Bowling Handicap Calculator

Bowling Handicap Calculator

Begin by entering bowler’s average score in bowling handicap calculator, which is calculated by summing scores over multiple games and dividing by the number of games played. Next, input base score which is predetermined by your league or tournament, typically set at 200 or 220.

Then, enter percentage factor used by your league, commonly set at 90%. The calculator will determine the handicap points that will be added to the bowler’s score for tournament play.

  • Base Score: 200
  • Bowler’s Average: 150
  • Percentage Factor: 90%

Handicap = (200 – 150) (90 / 100) = 50 0.9 = 45

The bowler receives a handicap of 45 points.

Bowling Handicap Example Chart

Bowler’s AverageHandicap CalculationHandicap
100(200 – 100) × 0.90 = 100 × 0.9090
120(200 – 120) × 0.90 = 80 × 0.9072
140(200 – 140) × 0.90 = 60 × 0.9054
160(200 – 160) × 0.90 = 40 × 0.9036
180(200 – 180) × 0.90 = 20 × 0.9018
190(200 – 190) × 0.90 = 10 × 0.909
200(200 – 200) × 0.90 = 0 × 0.900

How to Calculate Handicap in Bowling

The calculation of bowling handicap starts with determining the difference between the handicap basis (typically 200 or 220) and the bowler’s current average. This difference is then multiplied by the handicap percentage (commonly 80%, 90%, or 100%) to obtain the final handicap.

Most leagues round the handicap to the nearest whole number. The handicap gives lower average bowlers additional pins to make competitions more equitable.

  • Base Score: 220
  • Bowler’s Average: 180
  • Percentage Factor: 80%

Handicap = (220 – 180) (80 / 100) = 40 0.8 = 32

The bowler receives a handicap of 32 points.

Bowling Handicap Formula

Handicap = (Basis - Average) × (Percentage / 100)

The formula requires:

  • Current Average: Bowler’s established average
  • Handicap Basis: Base score (typically 200)
  • Handicap Percentage: Usually 80%, 90%, or 100%

Beginner Bowler Example

  • Current Average: 120
  • Handicap Basis: 200
  • Percentage: 90%
  • Result: (200 – 120) × 0.90 = 72 pins handicap

Intermediate Bowler Example

  • Current Average: 150
  • Handicap Basis: 200
  • Percentage: 90%
  • Result: (200 – 150) × 0.90 = 45 pins handicap

Advanced Bowler Example

  • Current Average: 175
  • Handicap Basis: 200
  • Percentage: 90%
  • Result: (200 – 175) × 0.90 = 23 pins handicap

High Basis Example

  • Current Average: 160
  • Handicap Basis: 220
  • Percentage: 80%
  • Result: (220 – 160) × 0.80 = 48 pins handicap

Low Percentage Example

  • Current Average: 140
  • Handicap Basis: 200
  • Percentage: 80%
  • Result: (200 – 140) × 0.80 = 48 pins handicap

What is Handicap in Bowling?

A Bowling Handicap is a number of pins added to a bowler’s score to equalize competition between bowlers of different skill levels. The system typically uses a basis score (usually 200 or 220) and a percentage (commonly 90%) of the difference between this basis and the bowler’s average. This system allows bowlers of varying skill levels to compete fairly in leagues and tournaments. The higher the bowler’s average, the lower their handicap, reflecting the principle that better bowlers receive fewer handicap pins.

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