Face Shape Calculator (Male – Female)
Face Shape Calculator
To detect your Face Shape (Oval, Round, Square, Diamond), input measurements for your Face Length, Face Width, Jawline Width, and Forehead Width in centimeters or inches.
The calculator analyzes these proportions and identifies your face shape among the common types: Oval, Round, Square, Rectangle, Heart, Diamond, or Triangle. Input accurate measurements taken at key facial points for best results.
How to Measure Your Face Shape?
To measure your face shape accurately, first start by gathering your supplies. A flexible measuring tape, a clear mirror, and paper with pen to record your measurements.
Begin by measuring your face length by placing the measuring tape at your hairline and extending it straight down to the bottom of your chin. Keep the tape centered and straight for an accurate measurement.
For forehead width, measure across your forehead at its widest point, typically found between your eyebrows and hairline. This measurement helps determine if your face is wider at the top.
To find your cheekbone width, locate the most prominent part of your cheekbones and measure from one side to the other, ensuring the tape goes across the bridge of your nose. This is often one of the most important measurements for determining face shape.
The jawline width is measured by adding two measurements: from the bottom of each ear to the tip of your chin. This combined measurement helps determine if you have a strong or soft jawline.
An oval face has a length about 1.5 times greater than width, with gentle curves. A round face has similar length and width measurements with soft angles. A square face shows similar measurements all around with angular features. A heart-shaped face is wider at the forehead and cheekbones, narrowing to a pointed chin. A rectangular face has the longest face length measurement while other measurements remain similar. A diamond face shape features the widest measurements at the cheekbones, with both forehead and jawline being narrower.
Face Shape Detection Formula
Face Proportions Ratio:
Length to Width Ratio = Face Length ÷ Face Width
Jaw to Cheek Ratio = Jawline Width ÷ Face Width
Forehead Ratio = Forehead Width ÷ Face Width
Shape Determination Rules:
Oval: Length to Width = 1.5, Jaw ≈ Forehead
Round: Length to Width ≈ 1, Jaw ≈ Face Width
Square: Length to Width ≈ 1, Jaw = Face Width
Rectangle: Length to Width > 1.5, Jaw ≈ Face Width
Heart: Forehead > Face Width > Jaw
Diamond: Face Width > Forehead and Jaw
Triangle: Jaw > Face Width > Forehead
Example 1: Oval Face
- Face Length = 23 cm
- Face Width = 15 cm
- Jawline Width = 14 cm
- Forehead Width = 14 cm
- Length Ratio = 1.53
- Result = Oval Shape
Example 2: Round Face
- Face Length = 18 cm
- Face Width = 17 cm
- Jawline Width = 16 cm
- Forehead Width = 16 cm
- Length Ratio = 1.06
- Result = Round Shape
Example 3: Square Face
- Face Length = 20 cm
- Face Width = 19 cm
- Jawline Width = 19 cm
- Forehead Width = 18 cm
- Length Ratio = 1.05
- Result = Square Shape
Example 4: Heart Face
- Face Length = 22 cm
- Face Width = 16 cm
- Jawline Width = 14 cm
- Forehead Width = 18 cm
- Proportions = Wide Forehead, Narrow Jaw
- Result = Heart Shape
Example 5: Diamond Face
- Face Length = 21 cm
- Face Width = 17 cm
- Jawline Width = 14 cm
- Forehead Width = 15 cm
- Proportions = Wide Cheeks, Narrow Forehead and Jaw
- Result = Diamond Shape
What is Face Shape?
Face Shape refers to the overall geometric proportions and contours of your face. Understanding your face shape helps in choosing flattering hairstyles, makeup techniques, glasses frames, and accessories. The seven main face shapes are determined by the relationship between facial measurements, including length, width at different points, and overall proportions.