Cost Per Ounce Calculator
Cost Per Ounce Calculator
To calculate Cost Per Ounce, input Total Price and Product Size, select size unit (ounces, pounds, grams, or kilograms) in calculator.
The calculator converts all measurements to ounces and provides the Cost Per Ounce, enabling easy Price Comparison between different products and package sizes.
For items with Discount, enter the discount percentage to calculate the final cost per ounce.
How to Calculate Cost Per Ounce?
To calculate Cost Per Ounce, first convert product weight to ounces if necessary. Then divide total price by number of ounces. For products in different weight units, use conversion factors: 1 pound = 16 ounces, 1 kilogram = 35.274 ounces, and 1 gram = 0.03527 ounces.
- Price: $4.50
- Weight: 16 ounces
- Calculation: Cost Per Ounce = 4.50 / 16 = 0.28125 per ounce
- Result: The cost per ounce is approximately $0.28.
- Price: $3.99
- Weight: 12 ounces
- Calculation: Cost Per Ounce = 3.99 / 12 = 0.3325 per ounce
- Result: The cost per ounce is approximately $0.33.
Formula for Cost Per Ounce
Basic Cost Per Ounce Formula:
Cost Per Ounce = Total Price ÷ Total Ounces
Total Price = Product cost after discounts
Total Ounces = Weight converted to ounces
Weight Conversions:
Pounds to Ounces = Weight × 16
Kilograms to Ounces = Weight × 35.274
Grams to Ounces = Weight × 0.03527
Discounted Price:
Final Cost Per Ounce = (Price × (1 - Discount%)) ÷ Total Ounces
Discount% = Percentage discount in decimal form
Example 1: Basic Grocery Item
- Price = $4.99
- Size = 12 ounces
- Cost Per Ounce = $0.42
- Product Type = Cereal
- Package Size = Regular
Example 2: Bulk Purchase
- Price = $15.99
- Size = 2 pounds
- Cost Per Ounce = $0.50
- Product Type = Coffee
- Package Size = Family Size
Example 3: Small Package
- Price = $3.49
- Size = 100 grams
- Cost Per Ounce = $0.99
- Product Type = Spices
- Package Size = Small
Example 4: With Discount
- Price = $24.99
- Size = 3 kilograms
- Discount = 20%
- Cost Per Ounce = $0.19
- Package Size = Bulk
Example 5: Premium Product
- Price = $8.99
- Size = 8 ounces
- Cost Per Ounce = $1.12
- Product Type = Specialty Item
- Package Size = Standard
What is Cost Per Ounce?
Cost Per Ounce is a unit pricing measure that helps compare product values across different package sizes. It allows consumers to determine which package size offers the best value by standardizing the price to a common unit of measurement (ounces).