12 Hour Shift Pay Calculator
12 Hour Shift Pay Calculator
To calculate your 12 Hour Shift Pay, enter hourly rate of pay, Input number of regular hours and overtime hours worked in calculator. Select your overtime rate (typically 1.5x or 2x). Add any differential pay or bonuses.
The calculator will compute your total pay including regular pay, overtime pay, and additional compensation.
- Inputs: Hourly rate = $30, Hours = 12, Overtime rate = 1.5x, Night differential = $2/hour
- Process: Enter values and include differential
- Result: Total pay is $408 ($360 regular + $48 differential)
12 Hour Shift Pay Chart
Hourly Rate | Regular Hours (40 hrs) | Overtime Hours (Beyond 40 hrs) | Total Hours Worked | Regular Pay | Overtime Pay | Total Pay |
$15 | 40 | 8 | 48 | $600 | $180 | $780 |
$20 | 40 | 8 | 48 | $800 | $240 | $1,040 |
$25 | 40 | 8 | 48 | $1,000 | $300 | $1,300 |
$30 | 40 | 8 | 48 | $1,200 | $360 | $1,560 |
$35 | 40 | 8 | 48 | $1,400 | $420 | $1,820 |
How to Calculate 12 Hour Shift Pay
To calculate pay for a twelve-hour shift, multiply your base hourly rate by first 8 hours of work. Any hours beyond 8 are typically paid at an overtime rate. Add any shift differentials or premiums. For multiple shifts, multiply the daily rate by the number of shifts worked.
Night Shift Example:
- Inputs: $25/hour base rate, 12 hours with 4 overtime hours at 1.5x, $3 night differential
- Calculations: (8 × $25) + (4 × $37.50) + (12 × $3)
- Result: The total shift pay is $386
12 Hour Shift Pay Formula
Total Pay = (Regular Hours × Hourly Rate) +
(Overtime Hours × Hourly Rate × OT Rate) +
(Total Hours × Differential Rate) +
Additional Bonuses
Regular Hours = First 8 hours
Overtime Hours = Hours beyond 8
OT Rate = Overtime multiplier (1.5x or 2x)
Day Shift Nurse
- Inputs: Base rate = $35/hour, Hours = 12, OT rate = 1.5x, Differential = $0
- Calculations: (8 × $35) + (4 × $52.50) + (12 × $0)
- Result: Total pay is $490
Night Shift Factory Worker
- Inputs: Base rate = $22/hour, Hours = 12, OT rate = 2x, Differential = $4
- Calculations: (8 × $22) + (4 × $44) + (12 × $4)
- Result: Total pay is $424
Weekend ICU Nurse
- Inputs: Base rate = $40/hour, Hours = 12, OT rate = 1.5x, Differential = $5
- Calculations: (8 × $40) + (4 × $60) + (12 × $5)
- Result: Total pay is $580
Holiday Hospital Shift
- Inputs: Base rate = $45/hour, Hours = 12, OT rate = 2x, Differential = $8
- Calculations: (8 × $45) + (4 × $90) + (12 × $8)
- Result: Total pay is $744
Regular Warehouse Shift
- Inputs: Base rate = $20/hour, Hours = 12, OT rate = 1.5x, Differential = $2
- Calculations: (8 × $20) + (4 × $30) + (12 × $2)
- Result: Total pay is $304
What is 12 Hour Shift Pay?
12 Hour Shift Pay: The total compensation earned for working a 12-hour shift, including regular pay for standard hours and overtime pay for extended hours. Additional components may include shift differentials and premium pay.
Base Pay = Regular hourly rate × Standard hours
Overtime = Higher rate for extra hours
Differential = Additional pay per hour