Yards to Tons Calculator / Convert Cubic Yard to Ton

Yards to Tons Calculator

This yards to tons calculator uses Tons = CY × Material Density × 0.764555 formula to convert cubic yard to ton.

The 2 yards of concrete (density ≈ 2,400 kg/m³) to tons would yield approximately 2.03 tons, but the same volume of gravel (density ≈ 1,600 kg/m³) would result in about 1.35 tons.

  • Concrete: 1 cubic yard = 2,400 kg/m³ × 0.764555 m³ = 1.015 tons
  • Topsoil: 2 cubic yards × 1,200 kg/m³ × 0.764555 m³ = 1.017 tons
  • Sand: 3 cubic yards × 1,600 kg/m³ × 0.764555 m³ = 2.034 tons

Yards to Tons Conversion Table

Cubic YardsTons (Gravel)Tons (Sand)Tons (Mulch)Tons (Stone)Tons (Concrete)Tons (Asphalt)

Yards to Tons Conversion Formula

The formula is:

Tons = Cubic Yards × Material Density × 0.764555
Converting 5 cubic yards of crushed stone (density = 2,200 kg/m³):
5 × 2,200 × 0.764555 = 8.41 tons

How to Convert Cubic Yard to Ton

  • Multiply cubic yards by 27 (to get cubic feet)
  • Multiply by material density
  • Divide by 2,000 (for US tons)

2 cubic yards of mulch (density = 700 lbs/cubic yard):

2 × 700 ÷ 2,000 = 0.7 tons

How Many Tons is a Yard?

  • Concrete: 1 yard ≈ 1.015 tons
  • Gravel: 1 yard ≈ 0.675 tons
  • Sand: 1 yard ≈ 0.85 tons

3 Yards of Gravel to Tons

For gravel (density ≈ 2,700 lbs/cubic yard):
3 yards × 2,700 lbs ÷ 2,000 lbs/ton = 4.05 tons

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